Syracuse, NY Northside’s
West Pond Microneighborhood
Microneighborhood Map
The West Pond Microneighborhood is a portion of the Syracuse, NY Northside neighborhood. It’s boundaries are Kirkpatrick St | Park St | Franklin Elementary - Ash St | I-81.
The Reinvestment Proposal
From 2017-2023, trauma-informed community engagement across the West Pond microneighborhood to co-create a reinvestment plan for those of us living here to take a leading role in how funds are invested in our own place.
Layers of History
The land that the West Pond Microneighborhood sits on has layers of history, from its long-standing heritage as the lands of the Haudenosaunee people to the migration of German, Italian, and waves of resettling refugees from around the world.
Book an Appointment.
Are you a resident of the West Pond microneighborhood, and are looking for some assistance on navigating a question, problem or dream that you have? Book an appointment at The Living Room with one of our Community Navigators!
Photo Credit Kathe Harrington of @humansofsyracuse